Youth Music Opportunities


Youth Music Opportunities


Young Artists Concerto Competition

The Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra Congratulates the
2024-2025 Young Artists Concerto Competition Winners!
    • 1st Prize: Alexander Chang, piano (student of Nicole Yang)
    • 2nd Prize: Gudrun Campbell, cello (student of Elizabeth Cantrell)
    • 3rd Prize: Derek Mickelson, marimba (student of Elijah Steele)
    • Honorable Mention: Michelle Wong, flute (student of Elizabeth Brightbill)
All three prize winners performed with the WSO on the February 2025 Concerts
2024-25 Youth Concerto Competition Winners (L to R): Alexander Chang, Gudrun Campbell, and Derek Mickelson, with WSO Music Director, Peter Wilson.
Youth Concerto Competition Winners

2024-25 winners (L to R): Alexander Chang, Gudrun Campbell, and Derek Mickelson with WSO Music Director, Peter Wilson.


In addition to our Young Artists Concerto Competition, the WSO conducts ongoing musical outreach with local Boys and Girls Clubs, providing each child their own violin and weekly lessons — all at no cost to the student. We also send small groups of WSO musicians to local schools to perform and conduct demonstrations of various orchestra instruments to encourage musical exploration in the students’ lives.

“With an orchestra, you are building citizens, better citizens for the community.”

The 2021-22 Concert Season ushered in the WSO’s inaugural Young Artists Concerto Competition, which is open to students aged 13-18 who reside in several Central Virginia counties. Structured similar to other music competitions — and not unlike the work required for a music conservatory audition — our Waynesboro Symphony Concerto Competition is a 2-round competition. The initial round consists of  submitting an unedited video recording of the competitor’s entry, selected from a list of approved repertoire. Entries have to be a minimum of 8 minutes long but not exceed 25 minutes.

In October, 2021, these entries were reviewed by a committee of professional musician judges, and they selected finalists who were invited to Waynesboro to participate in the final, live round in November, before a new panel of judges. The winners were invited to perform their selections with the WSO at its February 2022 concerts. A cash prize was also awarded to each winner.

Congratulations to our 2022 Concerto Competition Winners:
  • Cindy Liu, Oboe (Harrisonburg High School), performed Haydn: Oboe Concerto in C Major (Mvt. I. Allegro Spirituoso)
  • Bob Kammauff, Tuba (Charlottesville High School), performed Gregson: Tuba Concerto (Mvt. I. Allegro Deciso)
  • Zifan “Francis” Deng, Viola (The Miller School) performed Hoffmeister: Viola Concerto in D Major, (Mvt. I.  Allegro)

The WSO will hold this Concerto Competition every few years.


We have a number of talented WSO Principals and adult professional players who are available to give private lessons to students and adults. We offer this page as a free referral service. Please contact them directly at the links below for more information.

James Tobin
(815) 501-6477
Soprano, Bass and E-flat Clarinets, beginning Saxophone
Studio located in Charlottesville
Bill Parrish
(434) 851-5883
Oboe and oboe reed making
Home studio located in Waynesboro
Patty Holland
(715) 570-1104
Bassoon, Contra Bassoon 
Augusta County, Lexington, Harrisonburg
Suzanne Pattison
(434) 242-5404
Bassoon, Piano for students with special needs
Studio located in Northern Albemarle County
Catherine Creasy
(540) 209-5467
French Horn
Home studio located near Harrisonburg
Tara Davis
Violin, Piano, Music Theory
Studio located in Harrisonburg
Elizabeth Cantrell
Cello: Registered Teacher Trainer, Suzuki Association of the Americas
Studio located in Crozet Arts
Stanley Beckwith
[email protected]
Viola and Violin
Charlottesville and surrounding areas



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